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- Ajuda com uma agência federal | Português | U.S. Congressman Jake Auchincloss Of Massachusetts 4th D com uma agência federal | Português | U.S. Congressman Jake Auchincloss Of Massachusetts 4th District Skip to content Close About Meet Jake Issues Committees & Caucuses Sponsored Legislation Our District Newsroom Press Releases In The News...
- Velazquez Addresses Chinatown Exclusions from Storefront Loan Program | Congresswoman Nydia Velázque 」(LMI) 店面計畫為因疫情而缺乏收入的商家提供財政援助。儘管華埠眾商家急需資金,但位於包厘街以西的華埠商業區被排除在援助計劃外。 議員的信敦促紐約市小企業服務局重新考慮審批中低收入社區的標準,需要幫助的低收入社區商家不應該只因為與臨近的富裕社區共用郵政編碼就被剝奪資格。維樂貴絲議員還敦促小企業服務局確保這些華埠企業通過他融資方式得到救助資金。 作為眾議院小企業委員會主席,維樂貴絲議員在疫情期間一直戰鬥在國會一線,以確保聯邦小企業救濟方案通過預留和額外資源讓救助到弱勢社區。更多關於她為此的努力,可以在...
-如果您需要处理联邦机构相关问题方面的帮助,无论是社会安全局 (Social Security Administration)、美国公民及移民服务局 (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services)、 退伍军人事务部 (Department of Veterans Affairs) 还是美国邮政管理局 (United States Postal Service),Lieu 议员的办公室均可提供帮助。 根据 1974 年《隐私法案...
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- and Ranking Member DeLauro: I am requesting funding for the E-COM Dispatch Center - Chicago’s South Suburbs in Cook County and Will County, IL, project in fiscal year 2025. The entity to receive funding for this project is E-COM Dispatch Center, located...
- NC Democrats slam Trump administration’s ‘reckless and cruel’ freeze on federal grants | In the News Permalink:
- US House budget blueprint may gut NC’s Medicaid expansion and cost billions | In the News | Represen Press Releases Newsletters In the News WASHINGTON DC OFFICE 1221 Longworth House Office Building...
- Third time’s a charm: Congress passes bill with disaster relief funding for NC | In the News | Repre Press Releases Newsletters In the News WASHINGTON DC OFFICE 1221 Longworth House Office...
- Lawmakers uncertain on how job cuts could impact Helene recovery efforts in Western NC | In the News Press Releases Newsletters In the News WASHINGTON DC OFFICE 1221 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3032 Fax: (202) 225-0181...