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- Ajuda com uma agência federal | Português | U.S. Congressman Jake Auchincloss Of Massachusetts 4th D com uma agência federal | Português | U.S. Congressman Jake Auchincloss Of Massachusetts 4th District Skip to content Close About Meet Jake Issues Committees & Caucuses Sponsored Legislation Our District Newsroom Press Releases In The News...
-如果您需要处理联邦机构相关问题方面的帮助,无论是社会安全局 (Social Security Administration)、美国公民及移民服务局 (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services)、 退伍军人事务部 (Department of Veterans Affairs) 还是美国邮政管理局 (United States Postal Service),Lieu 议员的办公室均可提供帮助。 根据 1974 年《隐私法案...
- 3 4 5 https...
- and Ranking Member DeLauro: I am requesting funding for the E-COM Dispatch Center - Chicago’s South Suburbs in Cook County and Will County, IL, project in fiscal year 2025. The entity to receive funding for this project is E-COM Dispatch Center, located...
- NC Democrats slam Trump administration’s ‘reckless and cruel’ freeze on federal grants | In the News Permalink:
- US House budget blueprint may gut NC’s Medicaid expansion and cost billions | In the News | Represen Press Releases Newsletters In the News WASHINGTON DC OFFICE 1221 Longworth House Office Building...
- Third time’s a charm: Congress passes bill with disaster relief funding for NC | In the News | Repre Press Releases Newsletters In the News WASHINGTON DC OFFICE 1221 Longworth House Office...
- Lawmakers uncertain on how job cuts could impact Helene recovery efforts in Western NC | In the News Press Releases Newsletters In the News WASHINGTON DC OFFICE 1221 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3032 Fax: (202) 225-0181...
-息技术管理和创新;以及采购。 康纳利议员还在众议院外交事务委员会任职。凭借在外交政策方面的丰富背景,包括担任参议院外交关系委员会高级职员的经历,他成为对外援助改革、战争权力、使馆安全和海外民主推广等方面的领军人物。 康纳利议员是两党《伊萨-康纳利联邦信息技术采购改革法案》(FITARA)的共同起草人,该法案于 2014 年签署成为法律,是自 1996 年《克林格-科恩法案》颁布以来对联邦 IT 管理法律的首次重大改革。2016 年,他通过了《土地管理劳动力灵活性法案》,该法案让土地管理机构的临时...