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    ... and Environment Education Foreign Affairs Gun Violence Haiti Health Care Housing Immigration Jobs Labor LGBTQ+ Rights Medicare Science, Space, and Technology Social Security Social Justice and Civil Rights Transportation and Infrastructure Veterans Voting Rights...
    ... and Environment Education Foreign Affairs Gun Violence Haiti Health Care Housing Immigration Jobs Labor LGBTQ+ Rights Medicare Science, Space, and Technology Social Security Social Justice and Civil Rights Transportation and Infrastructure Veterans Voting Rights...
    ... and Environment Education Foreign Affairs Gun Violence Haiti Health Care Housing Immigration Jobs Labor LGBTQ+ Rights Medicare Science, Space, and Technology Social Security Social Justice and Civil Rights Transportation and Infrastructure Veterans Voting Rights...
    ...制劳工维权活动,并将此类活动归因于受外国利益方驱使,增大了中国工人成立基层组织和维护自己的权利的难度。中国当局于2018年7月开始在全国范围内对劳工维权人士进行大规模打压,当时广东省深圳市佳士科技工厂的工人试图组织工会并获得了全国各地大学生和互联网用户的广泛支持。当局把劳工抗议活动说成是由“外国资助”的非政府组织策划的,并骚扰、殴打、拘留和起诉了劳工维权人士和支持者。 中国政府继续压制中国的女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和疑惑人士(LGBTQ)的权利。LGBTQ人士面临诸多挑战,包括缺乏法律...
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